A message from God (Aldo's Letters)
by Aldo McPherson
[Retha's Website]
[There is always Hope]
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Friday, February 23 2007
Do you know that we will be together in
Their we will no longer be sick. Every one is healthy and God sits on His
throne with His Son next to Him.
He wants to come and get His bride, but she is not ready. She has to lay
down her sins,
Because the bride is holy. Mommy, you have to tell the people that we are
the Laodicean church. (Revelations
God will bring His judgment over all who don’t accept Him.
Saturday, February 24 2007
Please be ready when God sends His Son
to come fetch us.
It is going to be quicker than we think.
Will you please accept Jesus as your savior, other wise you are going to be
too late!
Know for sure that there is a hell, Jesus showed me everything. Believe me;
you don’t want to go to hell!
Jesus said, those who accept Him will not be lost.
Heaven is only love and their we will live together with God.
Will you please believe me, and accept Jesus.
You can also be His bride, but you have to lay down your life, PLEASE do it
Monday, February 26, 2007
You have to warn the people that the
Lord is on His way, and they have to be ready for Him.
Their is a wedding supper waiting for all that are ready. Please read
Matthew 25
I Love You Jesus, thank you that You died for me. Love You Spirit of God.
Throw everything out of your house that is not from God, ask the spirit.
Do you know mommy that you are called for God Himself, and that you must
live for Him alone.
Who will go and tell the world about Him?
God will heal me, and I will serve Him as long as I live.