Christians going to Hell
by Seng Woo Byun

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Today’s churches do not always touch
on the subject of hell. God does not want anyone to go to hell, but if they do
not put Him first in their life and do His works, one might not end up where
they think they are going.
Pastor Seung Woo Byun explores specific and powerful promises of God that point
to heaven and hell. Readers are guided through biblical End-Time prophecies,
with special focus on the impending rapture of the true church—the bride of
Christ. Many questions are answered by an overview of the Rapture, the Second
Resurrection, the Antichrist, the role of the Jewish people, and what one must
do to be prepared.
This “must-read” book will not only reveal where you do not want to go (and
why), but where you do want to go and how to get there through Christ Jesus. You
will not want to miss the truth about the two worlds that await you when you
About the Author:
Seung Woo Byun, senior pastor of Great Faith Church in Ulsan and Seoul, South
Korea, launched People Seeking the Face of God, a prayer gathering for the
revival of pastors from all denominations. He also equips apostolic and
prophetic workers for the preparation of the “Great Harvest.” Pastor Byun labors
to raise up the church as the holy, passionate bride seeking the face of her
returning Bridegroom, Jesus, through the Repentance Movement and the Bride
Movement. Byun is the author of Don’t Let Anyone Deceive You!, The
Word From the Mouth of the LORD, and Heavenly Email.