RFID MicroChip vs.

The RFID Microchip |

Islam |
Mark of the Beast is a MARK |

The RFID Microchip is NOT a mark, it is a device.
Nobody can see it unless they have a RFID
reader. |
But the
Islamic world already puts marks on their forehead and
Worldwide, people will be forced to receive
the Mark. |

So American & UN soldiers are going to go around the
world and force people to get a RFID Chip, otherwise cut
off their head? Unlikely, I can't find 1 soldier who
would be willing to do this. |
the Islamic world already has over 1 billion people,
with millions willing to violently enforce Islamic rule
This struggle is called Jihad

Muslim world even has Kids ready to die for the cause of
The Mark will be placed
ON people's forehead or forearm. |
RFID Microchip goes IN the skin, not ON
the Skin.
 But Islamic
Marks and creeds are already put on the forehead.
Visible to all. |
The Mark will have an
ANTI-Christ Message. |
There is no
intrinsic message in an RFID Microchip. You could put
"Jesus is Lord" inside a RFID Chip if you wanted to.
But the Islamic
Creed is already
"Allah is God, Mohamed is the
last prophet.
Jesus in NOT the son of God, not divine.
The Bible can NOT be trusted.
Spreading Islam by force is acceptable.
Israel must be conquered, and the Jews killed."
1 John 2:22b (New Living Translation) ...Anyone who
denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist.
Muslims deny that Jesus is the SON of God. |
Past Guesses |

We were once told that the Bar-Code was the Mark of the
Beast. Now people say it is the RFID Chip.
This just means that they were guessing. |
The Anti-Christ |

People once said that Bill Clinton was
THE Anti-Christ.

People have said that the Pope was the anti-Christ.

Now people say that Obama is THE Anti-Christ.
This just means that they are guessing. |
I now believe that the anti-christ will NOT come out of
America or Europe, but come out of the Muslim world, and
will be the Muslim hero. As Hitler's strength came from
a single nation German, the strength of the
anti-christ's regime will be from over 1 billion Muslims
worldwide, and many Islamic Nations.
The Islamic world already has a prophesied Hero.
One that will come to power in the future called the Mahdi.
One that will do the things our bible foretold that the
anti-Christ would do. |
Refusing the Mark will
cause a person to be beheaded. |
Who has been
beheaded for refusing to take the RFID MicroChip?
Nobody. |
already beheads people who resist Islam, and they have
been doing it for over 1000 years.
Click Picture to see unaltered version
This is why many Islamic Nation's Flags
have the Sword on it. |
People will not be able
to buy or sell without the Mark. |

So every store in the world will
have a RFID Scanner? Unlikely, I haven't even
seen one yet. |
Jews and Christians
are already disenfranchised in Islamic Countries.
Jews and Christians are not given freedoms. It is
not difficult to see that if Islamic forces take control
of a nation, they would disallow those who resists Islam
from engaging in the market. |
world wide regime |
Which western
nation is struggling for, or strong enough to attempt to
dominate the world? After
communism, I don't believe there are any serious
attempts by any nation to dominate the world. |

But Islam already has a plan for World
Domination. |
Fighting against the Jews and Israel |
Which western
nation is going to war against Israel?
Which western nation wants Jews

Islam already has a deep hatred for Jews,
and a desire for their extermination.
All the nations surrounding and
struggling against Israel today, just happen to be
Abomination that causes Desolation |
Which western
nation wants to put an "Abomination, that causes
Desolation" in the Holy Place?
I can't think of one.
Islam already puts their Muslim temples in the Holy
Areas of Israel. |
will be a peace treaty and then the antiChrist will break it.
(7 Year treaty, broken in 3.5 years) |

In the Islamic world, it is acceptable to break a
if you are advancing the cause of Islam.
So peace treaties with Islamic countries don't last. |
False Prophet &
Worshiping the Beast |
The RFID Chip has
no relation with any false prophet, or the worship of
any figure.
Prophet's and Worship are things
related to a religion, not a device. |
Islam has a prophet, and engages in worship.
