Christian CD Burning/Distributing is a very fruitful ministry. For very little money, we can give someone a powerful gospel message on a CD or DVD. For the cost of buying just 1 Christian book and sharing it with someone, I can now distribute about 50 to 100 Christian CDs. We are hoping to get enough CD Burning Volunteers in many countries, so that these important messages will go out all over the world. Currently many people can burn their own CDs, VCDs and DVDs, but there are plenty of non-technical people that need our help, and many Christians living in far away countries without CD burners. Being a Volunteer CD Burner does not obligate you to anything, it just says that you are a "Potential Volunteer". If you are not able to handle an e-mail request for CDs, then you would just reply to that email saying that you're currently too busy and forward the request onto another Volunteer. Remember the more CD copies you give a person, the more they can share them to their network of friends and family. In this way the message spreads much faster than just sending someone 1 CD. The focus of this ministry is not to get a person a bunch of CDs to listen to, but to give them a packet of CDs so that they can distribute them to friends, church and family, and encouraging them to make copies. We want to supply the evangelists with the tools they need to reach the world. In the past, I would send someone 25 Mary K. Baxter/Bill Wiese CDs, and ask them to distribute them in their church. One person sharing CDs to their network of friends is much more effective than someone randomly distributing CDs to people they don't know. As CD Burner MUST have the ability to Burn/Make CDs by yourself. For advanced techniques in making CDs, please read... https://www.divinerevelations.info/documents/burn_your_own_cds/how_to_make_cds.htm
As a Volunteer CD Burner you need to decide on...
1. Decide how many CDs to put inside each packet.
(10, 20, 30, ???) When a person contacts you for CDs to burn, you'll have to let them know what you're willing to do. Once your name is up on the website, you work independently of us, people will contact you directly, and you do not need to report back to us. But please keep us informed of any problems, changes of e-mail address, or suggestions for the other CD Burners. Thank you for considering becoming a CD Burner/Distributor! May the Lord make you very fruitful.
We have a good team of CD Distributors.
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