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(Author Name not shown)

This insight I write while fasting and prayer, and I earnestly seeking His truth. I pray that the Lord will give you wisdomm and direction.

Thank you for yr website which has blessed many souls including me, although it becoming confusing lately due to some contradictive testimonies (those about hair dye, jewelry, make up and trousers, etc). There are at least 2 sources of testimonies on yr website (choo Thomas and Kat Kerr) which are contradictive with this "testimony" and other similar testimonies.

I have thought of the possibility of such testimony "devil defender" will show up to say that those who believe otherwise, are "devil defender" which add up more terror to ppl who are already confused. I just did not know that it will show up this fast. I will share my personal experience of spending 5hours in His presence to set me free from torment caused by such testimonies in my next email (this experience is in contrast of the blessings i got after reading the Baptized by Blazing Fire) and the vision He gave me about the enemy strategy.

In this testimony its not clear about "Those who dress to please the flesh" if it means dress to seduce then it is sin of immorality.
But "a woman that put on trouser, earring, chain, weavon, attachment, make-up, and all other worldly dress, they were in the department of prostitute in hell fire [Isaiah 3:16-24] all of them were tormented [Jams 5:3]. How do these things classified as immorality ?
Isaiah 3:16-24 is about proud women who profiting from their husbands crime. James 5:2 is about warning to sinful rich men who use their wealth for selfish purpose which in the process persecute the poor.

When we use scriptures out of context it can be twisted by the enemies. Jewelries are used by both the righteous and the wicked. Its the heart that matter, as sin is the manifestation of what inside the heart.

There is nowhere in the Bible mention about trousers, man and woman clothes change over the centuries and it vary according culture and region. We cant say that Scottish men are in sin when they wear their cultural skirt. Nowadays there are pant for man and pant for woman. Often women wear pant to protect modesty when doing activity which is not suitable with skirt. As long as we don't make people confuse with our gender due to our appearance, we are not a stumbling block to others.
There is another testimony in yr website about woman wearing trousers in hell felt betrayed by her pastor. In that testimony, he did mention that her indulgence in those things keep her from truly serving God. If that's the case it is possible that she went to hell because she love those things more than God, and its not only limited to such things...our hobby, sports even ministry can be our idol if we love them more than God. Worldly things (not all) is not sinful if we are not obsessed with them, car race is worldly thing which not essential in our life yet Jesus ride one in the book of Baptized by Blazing Fire :)
In the testimony of 7 youth who went to hell, there was a woman in hell who were punished with perfume bottle contain acid which she continuously spray to her body.. because that what she was obsessed with.. but the youth explained that it was not the perfume but her wicked life that brought her to hell..

God spoke to me many times through dreams using jewelries as positive symbols.
This is C Thomas testimony about her wearing nice clothe and Jewelry and God was happy about it. Who is telling the truth her or him ?

You can Google the video of Kat Kerr being interviewed by Patricia King where she was asked why she dyed her hair pink, it was requested by God according to her.. so people can relate and feel accepted.

And here is video of her testimony about salon in heaven

another thing is about 6 years old boy in hell, if I'm not mistaken C Thomas mentioned about children below 7yrs go to heaven. And the testimony of Sori Park say the same thing.

I have friend and family with spiritual eye open, and i can tell you that such people can be deceived by counterfeit revelations and visitations. It took years to deliver one family member from deception caused by counterfeit visitations.

Following is a video where we can easily see that a girl is deceived, my point is the girl seems to be sincere and truly believe that she found the truth. So its not always wicked person who are giving false testimony but sincere people can be deceived in believing false revelation. And often its not as easy as the one in the video to discern which one is the truth which one is counterfeit as the enemy also know scriptures.


Just because a revelation contain 90% truth does not necessarily means that its all the truth, just like prophecy. Prophetic word does not always come from God, we need to test the spirit. And when it come from God Although the word given is the truth but the receiver may have wrong interpretation due to wrong perception or being influenced by the person own belief and thinking. I'm part of prophetic ministry and i have seen many flavor of prophetic words.. its interesting that different People have different color in their prophetic word because each individual has unique character. As I'm learning to prophecy and to receive God's revelation I learn that we really need to test a revelation.. There are times when we receive vision or dream its so clear but when its over we only remember partially and we cant really recall the rest....

If I may suggest not to post a testimony which has many questionable part until you are sure that it is the truth from God, if readers who really seek the truth cant trust the credibility of the uploaded testimonies it affect the messages of the true testimonies.


SamsonJude Reply:

Again, people try to defend their worldly things and they are even using them to defend their self-righteousnesses. Makeups and jewelries are evil things, no matter how good you are and no matter how you justify them by saying you use them without evil intentions. Love not the world rings out more loudly. It specifies, "nor the things of the world." It is better to be safe than sorry. True Christians need not to appear gaudy, adorned by silver and gold, immodest, and with worldly designs and lifestyles. Jewelries and makeups are devilish products. The Book of Enoch said these things are taught by fallen angels to humanity. Emmanuel Amos Eni said in his testimony that these things are manufactured by the evil kingdom, and satan always wants to corrupt the natural beauty God has given to human. Salvation is by grace through faith, but true faith produces total obedience to His Word. God's grace is not a license to make a Christian appear like the ungodly people of this world, but to "deny ungodliness and worldly lusts" (Titus 2:11-12). No matter how you defend yourself, you still have no alternative but to obey. To obey is better than sacrifice. Kat Kerr, Choo Thomas, the church and pastor in Baptized by Blazing Fire are not exempted in these testimonies. It may have not been revealed to them, but they will still face these testimonies at the face of Christ in HIs coming, because God made available these testimonies to them, but they rejected it. Their wonderful testimonies are not reasons not to consider these testimonies, for the Jesus in this testimony demands absolute holiness and total separation from the world.
Remember the Assemblies of God (the largest Pentecostal organization in the world) formerly denounces wearing makeup, immodest dresses, and wearing jewelries and calls it of the devil. Emmanuel Amos, Hillsong church, and the Yoido Full Gospel church are part of it. Now, they became corrupted by these worldly things and they will face the judgment of God. Thank God there are still a lot of church groups and organizations who have not lowered down the standards of inward and outward holiness but rather wave its banner in the midst of sinful world. These church groups includes the Amish, the Mennonites, the Hutterites, the Deeper Christian Life MInistry, the Redeemed Church of God, the Apostolic Faith Churches, the Holiness churches of God, the apostolic Oneness churches, some independent Baptists, and the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI). These churches remained unspotted from the world. They still preach that women should not wear pants and immodest apparel. They still preach wearing makeup and jewelries are sin and worldliness. They still preach against the evils of movies, televisions, radios, theaters, dancing halls, dancing, drinking intoxicating drinks, eating blood and strangled meats, ecumenism, unwholesome computer and internet games, participation in wars and killings, abortion, homosexuality and same-sex marriage, occult and horoscopes, new age philosophies, etc. They still preach against women cutting their hair, wearing expensive clothes and superfluities, mixed swimming with bare-legged and naked unbelievers, worldly sports and amusements. NARROW IS THE GATE, AND ONLY A FEW THERE THAT FIND IT. Those who justify wearing makeup and jewelries as supposedly valid things for God are candidates for the great tribulation. But those who denied all these worldly and fleshly things will receive a greater rewards. To whom is much given, much is required!
Why makeups and jewelries are hard to surrender to God for many of the commentors here? Why? It is because of their pride, rebellion, and desire for the praise of men. They want to act proud, they cant accept the way God made them and they still keep on trying to please men and themselves rather than desire the most simple, natural, and humble walk with God. They cant surrender their makeups and jewelries and their immodesty because they still have the desire to feed their fleshly natures and appear like the rest of the world. Satan wants to destroy Deut.22:5. Satan wants you to doubt God's Word about women's uncut hair. Satan wants you to remain on your worldly reasonings so that you may not be able to go with Christ in the rapture. Christians cannot get crowns without the cross, and the Cross represents not just the Gospel, but also living the Gospel. To live the Gospel is to renounce all worldly things, to deny yourself, to deny all your worldly desires, to deny all your arguments to the obedience of the Scriptures, to deny your longing for makeups and jewelries, to deny your flesh. The Cross is a way of total obedience, total consecration, total holiness, total purity, total sanctification, total dedication, total separation from worldliness. The Cross is a life of Jesus Christ who Himself denied all these things, and to be Christian is to deny every weights that pulls us down that we might remain worldly. Jesus gave His whole life, even His blood. And now you say you can't surrender your earring for personal gratification even if its a very simple thing to surrender? God loves you, that's why He allowed you to read this testimony, in order for you to amend your ways and turn to God in total holiness, submission, consecration, and total separation from the world. Why keep on insisting on justifying makeup and jewelries while all of these things are just material things? Will you allow these material things to hinder your consecration to God and eventually end up in hell because of pride and vanities?
Salvation is God's free gift to us, purchased at Calvary, and received by us through faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation is past, present, and future. The complete work of salvation is because of God's grace. God's grace is not automatic, but rather resistible. Man has given free will, and, although God's grace is God's unmerited favor to man, man can reject His favor by rebellion and not submission to His will. Salvation is not taken away. It's always there through the covering of the Blood of Christ. But man chooses to disobey His word, and so the grace of God cannot get ahold of man's freedom to choose. The Lord is gentle, His Holy Spirit is gentle. He will not force us to obey His Word by legalism and by works. God respects man's free will. But man's free will to do evil is not consented by God, that's why repentance is necessary. God's grace enables us to repent, if we yield to His will by obeying His Word. The grace of God leads us to submit to water baptism in Jesus' name to bury our sinful nature. Through the grace of God, He gives us His Holy Spirit that we might overcome sin, the devil, and the world. Read Acts 2:38 and Romans 6:1-6. God's grace is sufficient for us, but if we keep on disobeying His Word, we will face the wrath of God. Why? Because God is bound in His own Word. Calvary does not freed us from His moral law, but rather gave us the ability to walk above sin and worldliness. Christians, even those who call themselves Spirit-filled are grieving and quenching the fire of the Holy Spirit by continue justifying their love for makeups, jewelries, immodest dresses, worldly hairstyles, and unsound opinions and worldly principles. The Holy Spirit speaks inwardly and by Holy Ghost filled preachers. The Author of the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit of God Himself is the same One God who speaks to us. The Lord will never contradict His Word. If women wearing man's clothes (or vice versa) is an abomination to Him before, it remains abomination to Him forever, for He never changes (Deut. 22:5, Heb.13:8).