Qasnadaha Soomaali

Buugaagta Videos Audio Images Nagu saabsan
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Somali Treasures™

Digital Bible Society


The Digital Bible Society is pleased to present the Somali Treasures Bible Library™.Our purpose is to provide free quality biblical libraries for inspiration, instruction and discipleship for those who speak this or minority languages related to Somali . To that end, the Digital Bible Society has partnered with hundreds of like-minded organizations who have agreed to share valuable content of the highest quality for personal and community growth in faith in Jesus Christ.

Each of the Digital Bible Society Treasures Libraries™ are unique and contain Bibles (in different formats for different uses or devices), audio scripture (when available), and a wide variety of resources including commentaries, books, worship music, and many hours of discipleship and inspirational material in video and audio formats, with childrens youth and family materials, and over a thousand Bible images and maps.  They are living libraries that grow as great ministries create and contribute material for use by those like yourself, who are wanting to know more about Christ, making disciples, sharing the Gospel, or serving the local church.

Treasures Bible Libraries™ are available in various sizes from where you can order additional copies and to obtain updates.

DVD - Bible Library
USB or Micro SD-4GB - Bible Library
USB or Micro SD- from 8 up to 32GB - Church Library

Somali Treasures is free to distribute as a gift. It may not be sold, altered, added to, or posted in whole or in part on the Internet without the written permission of the Digital Bible Society. Somali Treasures is copyrighted by the Digital Bible Society © with all rights reserved.


Somali Treasures Libraries are available in a variety of media types and sizes and can be used on a variety of devices. If you are using a Micro-SD chip, thumb drive, DVD, or hard drive, you will find that this media is compatible with a growing number of devices such as computers, tablets, hand held projectors and cell phones.  Since changes in the computer world are advancing so rapidly, we cannot guarantee that this media will work on every device and in every application. But we have created the file directory system for quick and simple access to content for devices may simply play audio or video.

The Digital Bible Society is committed to pursue wide compatibility, as much as possible, so please, check back from time to time on our website ( for updates to Somali Treasures.

To use Somali Treasures simply use your devices to look at the files on the media and click on the index.html located here in the root folder.  You can also open the directories in this folder and open resources directly.  The results of such will vary depending upon the settings and software on your computer.

We strongly recommend you use (or install) Safari or Mozilla Firefox for either PC, Mac or Linux.  If you desire to use Somali Treasures with mp3 devices, tablets or pocket projectors, we suggest you use the Media SD chip versions. We create the file structure of our libraries to quickly display data files for devices with very basic systems.  Should your browser or operation system have difficulty displaying our index, simply explore the file folders with a file manager such as Windows Explorer (PCs), File Manager (Android) or Finder (Mac).

You may find much better results by copying the entire project to a folder on your computer and running the startup page from that folder.  Any PDFs or ePubs can be copied over to your ePub book reader for use of for sharing. The Mp3 audio can be copied over to audio players to take with you as you listen on the move.

These products were intentionally created to run directly in browsers without installing software. For optimal use, however, download and install these Plug-Ins for Firefox (ePub Reader, Adobe Flash, Adobe Acrobat, and QuickTime.)


We welcome your comments, corrections and suggestions.  And we welcome your help in insuring that translated materials are accurate and understandable. If you would like to assist in the maintenance, growth, translation and advancement of Somali Treasures, we invite you to contact us from our website at

Qasnadaha Somali™

Digital Bible Society (Unchecked translation)


The Digital Bible Society ayaa ku faraxsan in uu soo bandhigo Qasnadaha Somali™ Ujeedada Bible Library ™ .Our waa inay bixiyaan tayada Maktabadaha kitaabiga ah oo lacag la'aan ah oo ah waxyiga, barashada iyo xer u ah kuwa ku hadlo ama laga tirada badan yahay luqadaha la xiriira Soomaaliya. Si taas loo gaaro, Baybalka Digital ah Society wuxu iskaashiga la boqolaal ka mid ah ururada sida maskax oo ay ku heshiiyeen in ay la wadaagaan content qiimo leh ugu tayada sareeya ee koritaanka shaqsiyeed iyo kan bulshada ee rumaysadka xagga Ciise Masiix.

Mid kasta oo ka Qasnadaha Digital Bible Society Maktabadaha ™ yihiin gaar ah oo ku jira Kitaabkeena (qaabab kala duwan u isticmaalka kala duwan ama qalabka), Qorniinka oo maqal ah (marka la heli karo), iyo noocyo kala duwan ee khayraadka ay ka mid yihiin faallooyin, buugaagta, music cibaadada, iyo saacado badan oo xernimo iyo wax adkaa ee video maqal iyo qaabab, iyadoo childrens dhalinyarada iyo qalabka qoyska, iyo in ka badan kun images Baybalka iyo khariidado. Waxay Maktabadaha in koraan wasaaradaha sida weyn loo abuuro iyo soo dirin wax ay u isticmaalaan kuwa adiga oo kale, kuwaas oo doonaya in ay ka badan oo ku saabsan Masiixa ogahay, samaynta xertiisii​​, wadaagaya Injiil, ama u adeegta kaniisaddii ugu deegaanka ku nool yihiin.

Qasnadaha Bible Maktabadaha ™ waxaa laga heli karaa in tirada kala duwan ka halkaas oo aad ka dalban kartaa nuqulo dheeraad ah iyo si ay u helaan warar cusub.

DVD - Bible Library
USB ama Micro SD-4GB - Bible Library
USB ama Micro SD- ka soo 8 ilaa 32GB - Church Library

Qasnadaha Somali Waa lacag la'aan ah oo hadiyad ahaan u qaybiyaan. Waxaa laga yaabaa in aan lagu iibin, Isbedel ku daray in, ama posted oo dhan ama qayb ka mid ah oo ku saabsan internetka adiga oo aan ogolaansho qoraal ah Bible Digital ah Society. Qasnadaha Somali waxaa dayayeen Society Digital Kitaabka Quduuska © la All Rights Reserved.


Qasnadaha Somali Maktabadaha ayaa lagu heli karaa noocyo kala duwan warbaahinta iyo tirada oo loo isticmaali karaa noocyo kala duwan oo qalab. Haddii aad isticmaalayso jab ah Micro-SD, drive suulka, DVD, ama gaari ku adag tahay, waxaad ka heli doontaa in warbaahinta taasi waa kuwo la socon kara tiro sii kordhaysa oo qalabka sida kombiyuutaro, kaniiniyada, gacanta projectors qabtay iyo taleefannada gacanta. Tan iyo isbedelada adduunka computer waxaa horumarinta si degdeg ah, ma ballan qaadi karno in warbaahinta shaqayn doontaa aalad kasta iyo in codsi kasta. Laakiin waxaan ku abuuray nidaam iyo buugga file ee fudud oo degdeg u helaan to content ee qalabka fudud ciyaaro laga yaabaa in maqal ah ama video.

The Digital Bible Society waxaa ka go'an inay ku baaqaan in sharcigaasi waafaqsan ballaaran, sida ugu badan ee suurto gal ah, sidaas darteed fadlan, dib u hubi waqti ka waqti boggayaga internetka ( casriyeysan si Qasnadaha Somali.

Si aad u isticmaasho Qasnadaha Somali si fudud u isticmaalaan qalabka si aad u eegto faylasha ku saabsan warbaahinta iyo guji index.html ee ku yaalla halkan galka xididka. Waxaad sidoo kale si toos ah u furi kartaa diiwaanka cinwaanada ee buugyarahan iyo khayraadka furan. Natiijooyinka sida kala duwanaan doonaa iyadoo goobaha iyo software on your computer.

Waxaan si adag ugu talinaynaa in aad u isticmaasho (ama rakibi) Safari ama Mozilla Firefox ee ama PC, Mac ama Linux. Haddii aad dooneysid in aad isticmaasho Qasnadaha Somali iyada oo qalab mp3, kiniin ama projectors jeebka, waxaanu kuu soo jeedinaynaa inaad isticmaashaa qoraalkii qori SD Media. Waxaan la dhiso qaab file ka mid ah maktabadaha naga inay si dhakhso ah muujiya xogta faylasha ee qalabka la hababka aad u aasaasiga ah. Ma habboon tahay in aad browser ama nidaamka hawlgal ay ku adag tahay muujinta naga index, si fudud u baadhaan folder-file ah iyadoo tababare file ah sida Windows Explorer (Kombuutarada), File Manager (Android) ama jiheeye (Mac).

Waxaad ka heli kartaa natiijo aad u fiican oo ay kaga dayanayaan mashruuca oo dhan si ay u gal ah oo aad computer iyo socda bogga xawaaladaha ee ka gal in. PDFs kasta ama ePubs la koobiyeyn karaa in ka badan in aad ePUB akhristaha buugga loo isticmaalo ee wadaagga. Audio Mp3 la koobi karin ka badan in ciyaartoyda maqal ah in aad la qaadato sidii aad dhagaysan ku dhaqaaqo.

Waxyaabahani ayaa si ula kac ah loo abuuray in ay si toos ah u maamula in daalacashada aan software. Si loo isitcmaalo, si kastaba ha ahaatee, download iyo rakibi waxay-fur timid ee Firefox (ePUB Reader, Adobe Flash, Adobe Acrobat, iyo QuickTime.)


Waanu soo dhaweyneynaa comments, sixitaanka iyo talooyin. Oo waxaannu soo dhowaynaynaa caawinaaddaada caymin in qalabka oo turjuman ayaa sax ah oo la fahmi karo. Haddii aad jeclaan lahayd inay gacan ka dayactirka, koritaanka, turjumidda iyo horumarinta ee Qasnadaha Somali, waxaan kugu casumaynaa in aad nala soo xiriir ka internetka ee ah