We can lose everything the world has to offer as our security. Whether this is from our own fault or not, it can happen. So what can be done so that we feel secure in this evil society? The answer may be “nothing” other than doing our best to care for what we have been given. Even then, people have lost all worldly possessions; witness the poor souls in Haiti and Chili. Even in our wonderful country there are the poor, and many have lost their life savings through fraud. Fraud has always been a factor, but it seems to have gotten worse. Greed is the cause, for those who think they can make it big with a certain investment. Greed is also the cause for preying on the gullible. Sometimes even the vigilant are taken in. A man who started a fund he said was to help veterans, bilked people out of nearly one hundred million dollars before his scheme was uncovered. Even high government officials applauded his fund. Veterans got zero benefit and the money was squandered.
The best advice is to be prayerful and keep God in our lives; to be extra diligent and careful; and to conserve what we have. Many people live from paycheck to paycheck, spending all they make. This may be the only way when they only make enough for bare necessities. But many others could save for bad times but choose not to. Suddenly their circumstances change, they lose their job, severe health problems develop, or domestic problems cause assets to be lost.
Those anxious about the future, even many Christians, have no peace, security and often no hope. But there is no reason to live without peace, hope and security. Once you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, no one or no circumstance can take this away from you. Your salvation in Christ is secure (John 3:16). Jesus said that no one can snatch from Him all the ones His Father has given to Him. (John 10:28-29) If you have Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are one of these.
The apostle Paul said that a believer’s faith is a shield to protect them from the devil. (Ephesians 6:16) Your shield is faith in the truth of God’s Word. (John 17:13-19) The Holy Spirit who always lives with us will testify that we are a child of God, and that your inheritance is reserved for you in Heaven, which you can never lose. (Romans 8:16-17) Also we have been given a sound mind with which to counteract the spirit of fear so prevalent in the world. (2 Timothy 1:7) There is a difference in watching with fear and insecurity or watching with confidence. Every “child of God” can watch with confidence.
The apostle Peter said that we are to be watchful in all things because “the end of all things is at hand”. (1 Peter 4:7) He said this almost 2000 years ago but it will finally happen in our generation. Apostle Paul wrote that we should be “looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ”. (Titus 2:11-14) Watching for anything else in this world is sure to disappoint. So once we are saved, nothing can take our salvation away from us, if we remain with Christ and do not willfully take Him out of our lives.
[Thanks to the Holy Spirit for the inspiration to write this and to Dr. David Jeremiah for his uplifting messages from which parts of this were taken.]