I wonder Anita if we will be celebrating our anniversary a million years from now

If so, will it be with our family?

Will it be with our earthly friends?

Will it be with the friends made in Heaven?

I wonder how many of our earthly friends will be with us.

How about those who died and we never knew if Jesus was their Lord and Savior?

How about our parents and grand parents, brothers & sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins?

Will we recognize and remember everyone there that we knew on earth? I believe so.

With the billions of souls in Heaven, how will we find any one person?

What will be most important to us then other than worshipping our God?

Jesus has said that the things we enjoy about our earth will be available in Heaven.

Will we seek the ones we enjoyed most first, or will we explore all that Heaven offers?

Will we miss anything that we enjoyed on earth that is missing in Heaven or different?

Will things that Jesus has forgiven us for be known or remembered by others?

What will we be eating besides fruit and fish?

Will we have all the bodily functions we have on earth? [No].

While I am certain that we will love Heaven, will we miss the type of music we love here?

Will we miss not having TV or the Internet?

Will we have any way of contacting those left behind?

Will we be able to give strength to them in any way so that they can persevere against Satan?

Will God allow any kind of salvation for those if they do not pledge their lives to Jesus?

How many of the celebrities that the world loved will make it to Heaven?

[In answer to the question at the beginning, the answer is that we will be married only to our Lord Jesus and no longer to each other. But we can still spend time together if we wish.]