I feel sorrow for those who don’t even ask this question. People continue to search for something to fill the emptiness within their lives. They try to fill it with entertainment, work, alcohol, drugs or all sorts of adventures. What they fail to recognize is that the strange, sometimes nagging empty feeling is in the depths of their person. Actually it is a built in profound yearning for God Himself. God created us for His own companionship. If we don’t realize this, we continue to feel emptiness that nothing will fill. We are never complete until we find fulfillment by having God as our constant companion.
I have known folks who cannot be alone just within themselves. They are not comfortable with only their thoughts and have to have something going on all the time. Yet it is within inner stillness that God can speak to us. We have to be quiet and listen for His still, small voice. Alone with Him He becomes real to our inner spirit. God gave us the Holy Spirit to help us and to aid in communicating with Him. Our personal Holy Spirit is with us all the time and can be of immense help. We can actually sense God’s presence in this environment and interact with Him. It is helpful if we have studied at least enough of His Word to know how others have sought and found Him. But God will make His presence felt regardless of our background and knowledge if we just give Him the time and attention. Our precious Lord has to be the Center of our life, not just someone to call in case of emergencies.
For those who have come to know God in such intimacy, times of solitude are the most precious times in their lives. They can become the highlight of each day. This also may be the time when prayer is most effective. God already knows what we need without our asking, but He still wants us to talk to Him about any and all of our concerns.
For myself, I admit that there are times when I just cannot seem to connect with God. Too many extraneous thoughts clog my mind. I start thinking of problems and annoyances. But I still know that He is near and I just have to wait for a more opportune time to feel His presence. In some respects it is because I know He has already taken over the problems that I can wait in anticipation without having His comforting feeling all the time. I know that He will be there for me at times of most need. It is more likely though that God will be there if I keep thoughts of Him coming into my mind. I can do this but it is not automatic. As any earthly task requires for successful implementation, I must focus attention on our precious Lord .
My health may fail, my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart, he is mine forever. Psalm 73:26
At times we grow weak and weary in both body and soul. However, our God is constantly with us and he renews us and restores us!
If we are counting on the strength in our bodies to give us peace and security we will be constantly disappointed. If we are counting on our own emotional stability to keep us steady we will be constantly rocked by events in our lives. However, if we realize that God is our strength, God is our hope, God is our rock, then we will be able to weather the moments of weakness and pain in our body and soul. We face real life, but we get to face it with a real God! And He will make all the difference in the world!