For several days it came into my mind to write this article. That is the Holy Spirit acting. He is within us always, but we may not recognize it. I try to listen to His promptings and act on them.
But if we don’t know how the Holy Spirit works, how do we get to know Him? I am not sure, but soon after I dedicated my life to Jesus Christ, I began to get indications if something I was wondering about was right with God. How the query was framed is important.
The Holy Spirit is a miracle provided by God for everyone. Miracles happen when we pray. If you want to experience the Holy Spirit and His power, pray to God to anoint you with the Spirit. God will do this if you are a follower of Christ. Then begin to pray to God for help from the Holy Spirit in specific things. This is not the same as asking God for healing or other vital aid. The Holy Spirit will help you accomplish some projects or help you do something that seems to be beyond your grasp. You will be surprised at how much the Spirit will increase your abilities. What you ask for must be in line with God’s will for you. We should not expect help with anything that is frivolous, immoral or hurtful to someone else.
Like many seniors, sometimes I have had sleeping problems. I know that if I take a sleeping pill, I will sleep. But I only want to take a pill when really needed. So I usually ask the Holy Spirit if something is needed for sleep. Usually there is no answer, but occasionally it is positive. A no answer has come to mean to me that I don’t need to take anything. I was surprised at first how well this works, but now rely on His advice. A more important example -- my wife has some severe physical problems. The other day she had pain. During prayer I said that I KNEW that God would help her and He did. While asking God, but before relief came, I received a very positive feeling about it from the Spirit. If I had said “I think You will help”, there would be no response, and possibly no help. It has to be a positive statement.
Here are some mundane things that I have asked about and received help:
Finding a lost object in our home. Being reminded to do something that otherwise would be overlooked. Accomplishing something on my computer that is elusive but important. Helping me select the most efficient way to do a chore or carry out a needed repair or task. Putting the right words in my mind when talking to a young person; talking to an adult about faith, or a remark to a stranger who might need a “lift”.
Here are some important issues where help has been prayed for and received:
Understanding what I am reading in the Bible. Presenting something to a stranger about Christ. Writing the most useful things in reply to an email that was asking for help about personal or family problems, or asking for help in understanding God’s teachings.
I have quickly denied it when someone calls me a pastor. I want to imitate Christ as much as I can though. What I write is presented as a humble servant of Christ. The Holy Spirit has been immensely helpful in allowing a layman who has far less knowledge that a seminary student or Ann Landers, to help others. I always give thanks for help.
The Spirit of God is far more important than we can imagine. It is impossible to overstate how wonderful it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the revealer of knowledge. The mysteries of God are revealed by the Spirit. This helps us convey to others the meaning of the Scriptures especially relating to salvation, and the kingdom of Heaven and the divine mind of God. Also we are given the means of defeating Satan in our lives.
The Spirit is the very revealer of Christ. We can ask Him to reveal more of Jesus to us. If we read the Scriptures with prayer we will see Christ in the Old Testament in many places. For me, I want the Holy Spirit to own me and help me with everything in my life.
The Spirit is also an instrument in healing. Many illnesses are instigated by the devil. This does not mean that the person is bad, but that Satan is working in our lives to bring problems, hoping that we will blame God. Remember that God is a good god; He wants all of His children (us) to be healed. Why some illnesses are cured quickly and others later or never, is a secret between Jesus and the person. We never know what will be done, but we need to keep praying.