Many passages in the Bible are like a travel brochure of our eternal home, and should fill us with anticipation. Heaven is real and it is beautiful beyond comparison with even the best areas of our lovely earth. Our life here is brief compared with the life of our soul, the real person we are. Our soul will live in a new body in Heaven forever. That is a long time!
Our job while on earth is to live so that we will make it to Heaven. Many people believe that they will make it because of their good deeds or going to worship service. Unfortunately this is not the truth that will set us free. No matter what we do we cannot earn our way into Heaven.
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32 This is a popular saying that was first used by Jesus Christ. And the truth of which He spoke was: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
But the truth is of no use until we believe it. Why should we believe this? Because it is a clear statement in the Bible. Why should we believe that the Bible is the Word of God? The Bible was written by men but under God’s direction and revelation. The men who wrote the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John in the New Testament were witnesses to Jesus’ life. Luke was written by a physician and historian who obtained his information from eyewitnesses. There is no record of Jesus saying anything not true or not believable. People who have seriously studied the Bible have concluded that it indeed is the Word of God. Even those who were dedicated to disproving it ended up believing and were converted. The Bible has withstood assaults for over 2000 years and survives for our benefit. Yes we can ignore all of this, but is that a good idea for our future?
People always want to know what the future will hold for them. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we really knew? We can. -- The Bible book of “Revelation” was written by the Apostle John about A.D. 95. John was the apostle that Jesus loved most and an eyewitness to Jesus’ life, death and was with Jesus after His resurrection. He was exiled by the Romans to the island of Patmos off the coast of Asia to rid the empire of John’s teachings about Jesus. But while there he was given a revelation by the glorified Christ, and directed to write it down.
The book of Revelation is the most revealing story of our future. Unfortunately even many who read the Bible do not take the time to understand it. Revelation tells us exactly what our future will be. At God’s appointed time which I believe is very near, the risen and ascended Lord Jesus will burst onto the world scene. Then everyone will know that Jesus is Lord of the universe. Those who love Him will rejoice and greet their Savior with songs of praise. But His enemies will be filled with fear. The book of Revelation gives much detail about these happenings.
For those who have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior, their future is with Him. This is the truth that will set us free. My knowing where I will spend eternity is tremendously comforting. I also have free access to help from our Lord any time I ask. I am amazed at all the help I receive just for asking. No, He doesn’t act like a genie or my servant. The help and aid received is based on what He believes is in my best interest. So that is just one reason that I love Him. And I am just a humble servant of our Lord; His help is available to all. George Hagen [email protected]