There is no reason for anyone not to worship God. Every human was born with an innate need for worshiping a higher being and for knowing about their purpose in life. Millions though do not even acknowledge that the God of the Bible exists. The world population does worship a god of some kind, it is in their nature. The pagans had their idols, and most societies still worship idols in some form including the worship of money and power. Anything that is placed as more important than worshiping God is really worshiping idols.
It is understandable that the worship of Jesus Christ is far less prominent than the worship of god in some form. Perhaps no one told them about Him. Probably very few people are actually asking one another about Jesus or His Word the Gospel. Christians are trying to remedy this by spreading His Word throughout the world. Anyone who seriously reads the Bible cannot help but know who Jesus is. The trick is to have them read it. I was one of those who read parts of the Bible as a young person but didn’t continue. Thus I did not know much about Jesus although I was happy to celebrate Christmas, and knew the story of His birth. However once I learned that the only route to see the Father in Heaven after death is by becoming a follower of Jesus, I took up the study of Jesus and God the Father in earnest.
Anyone who does not now know Jesus as their Lord and Savior should not wait a day longer. This is too important to put off. Our life on this earth is but a fleeting moment compared with the eternity that our soul, our real self, will spend in Heaven or hell. Our bodies are only the shell that contains our soul which is our real self that will live forever. This is made clear in the Bible.
No matter what sins a person has committed, and all are sinful, our sins will be forgiven if we confess them and ask for forgiveness. We must pray and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and pledge our lives to him. Some may think they cannot do this; they don’t want to give up the life style they are living. This is not painful, and the gifts gained by following Christ go far beyond whatever we think we might lose. We can continue to live as we want; just try to cut out what we know is clearly sinful and ask for forgiveness. Put the Lord first above material things. Make Him the most important part of our lives. The Lord wants us to lead happy lives and by following Him, our lives can be infinitely happier. He doesn’t promise that we won’t have trials and problems, but He does promise to be with us and strengthen us so these situations can be managed.
Christians, even some who have become followers of Jesus Christ, do not fully comprehend the afterlife. A few who haven’t really studied the Bible may even think that when they die, this is the end. Many may not realize the horrors of hell where those who are not with Jesus will live in torture forever. Thus they may not think it important to follow Jesus nor to tell the world about Him. It is not just important, it is vital and all Christians are charged with the responsibility of spreading His word. Yes some of their so-called friends may ridicule this, or even decide they don’t want to associate any longer. But if even one person comes to Jesus because of such messages, the efforts will be well rewarded.