Lord Jesus Christ has healed me from the following physical ailments. This is only a partial list. Most often He has simply given relief or outright healing. Occasionally He has directed me through someone to a physician who prescribed the healing. Unfortunately for some of these if didn’t think to pray about them sooner because I was too stubborn to admit that I couldn’t heal them on my own.
I went to a heart specialist, a cardiologist, in May 05 for what had been diagnosed as a blocked main heart artery. The cardiologist prepared to insert a stent to unblock the artery. On examination under a live CRT screen, it was confirmed that indeed one of the main arteries had become blocked. But miraculously my body had grown a new main artery alongside the blocked one.
Hemorrhoids that plagued me for many months were completely healed without any medical treatment. I had a back problem for quite some time in 2005, but it was healed without treatment. In my fifties I had what I thought might become crippling back problems. A surgeon in Toronto said that the only relief would come from a spinal fusion. I rejected this as I had read that a person is never the same after it. I decided to pray about it which led me to a series of exercises, mild at first but progressively more strenuous. I continue to do these today and my back is very strong.
Painful soreness on the left underside of my tongue plagued me for almost a year. Two doctors that I consulted had no explanation. After prayer, without any treatment it went away. I have often been reluctant to pray for myself, but when all else fails, I do.
I had progressive arthritis that seemed to be getting worse. Now there is no sign of it other than several slightly crooked fingers and one toe. No medical treatment was taken although I was on the verge of it.
In January 1995 I was told I had Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Blood tests confirmed that there were a large excess of white blood cells. Two doctors told me that generally it progressively gets worse. No treatment was prescribed but I got monthly, then quarterly blood tests. It did not progress but remained a threat for many years. In late 2006 my blood became normal. I have no explanation for this other than God healing me.
For over a year I have had itchiness in many places on my body. A doctor said it was just dry skin, but I had not changed my environment or habits and cannot account for this. I tried various lotions and salves with only very temporary relief. I decided just to tough it out and try to ignore it. However, it became so severe that it interrupted my sleep several times each night. Finally I prayed for relief, and received not complete cure but enough relief that I can ignore it now.