The following letter was sent to my nephew with whom I grew up. He is the son of my half-brother who was a generation older than me. My nephew and I lived in the same house for several years. We had been close friends until recently. He asked that I take his name off my email list after he received my last letter about my faith. He married a Catholic lady and she converted him. I am not sure what they believe about Christ so that is why I sent them some of my faith messages. Here is the letter.
I was deeply disturbed in reading the email that you want your name taken off my email list. It didn’t bother me for myself, but it made me concerned about your relationship with Christ. I hope this concern is not warranted and that you do indeed believe that Christ died for our sins and that He is your Lord and Savior. The most important thing is to be ready for Christ’s coming to take His faithful to Heaven.
Many people do not want to believe that He is coming as they enjoy their life on earth and want it to last. Those who are true Christians can hardly wait for Him. They know that Heaven is so much better than our life on earth. Anita and I are among those. These people are hungry for more knowledge and want to learn as much as they can about Christ. Most churches do not really teach about salvation and the message of Jesus’ return.
Anita is happy here but she doesn’t enjoy her life in that she cannot do most of the things we used to enjoy together. After the seventh abdominal hernia surgery when the surgeon took out all the mesh that was holding in her stomach, she has had a protrusion about the size of a volley ball hanging down. This severely limits her, and problems with her feet make walking difficult. She also has memory problems. But she is dealing with these severe problems and is cheerful most of the time. I took her to the doctor this morning for a blood test. Afterwards we stopped at Wendy’s for a sandwich and a chocolate Frosty. She cannot do much work in our flower and shrub garden all around the house. She used to work every day and really enjoyed this. She is waiting to tend some of the gardens in Heaven.
Friends, I am aware that your beliefs may be different from mine. Since 2004 when I was shocked into running to Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I have been trying to do everything that He wants me to do. Every Christian is charged with the responsibility of taking Christ’s message of Salvation to the world. I have gone to great lengths to try to do this. More than 100 articles have been written on faith and are on my website Some are also on the website http:/ under “How to be Saved”.
Many of these articles have been sent by email around the world at the request of people who saw one of my writings on Choo Thomas’website. Of course I also sent some to people on my email list which has hundreds of addresses. We also help with the distribution of the book “Heaven Is So Real” and the CDs and DVDs that supplement it. Reading this book was what shocked me into asking Christ to be my Lord and Savior. I have received rich rewards since doing this, not monetary but help with many things in my life. The Holy Spirit helps me daily including the writing of this letter.
Choo Thomas, the author of the book and the other material is a dear friend. Coincidentally she called a few minutes ago from her home in Tacoma. We usually talk weekly. Anita and I love Choo and know that she is a modern-day apostle of Christ. The book resulted from Jesus showing her Heaven seventeen times, asking her to write what she saw. He also took her to hell where she saw her mother and other relatives. He didn’t do this to be mean but so that the experience could be included in the book. The description of seeing her mother was what shocked me into asking Jesus to be in my life. She said her mother was a good person but never knew Jesus. In the Bible, Jesus emphasizes that it does not matter how good a person is, if they do not know Him, they cannot go into Heaven. Then after they accept Him, they want to do good works and are expected to do them.
I know that people have been awaiting Jesus’ return for almost 2000 years. The early Christians had this hope. No one knows the exact day or hour when He will come in the clouds, but we do know the “season” and it is now. The email that was sent to you was dictated to Choo by Jesus. He has told many other people that His coming was delayed, but now he says that He will not wait for the people who do not believe. I expect Him any moment, but it could be weeks yet. But it will be this year. For those who are ready for Him it will be a glorious moment. For others it will be frightening beyond comprehension, and they will have to endure the Great Tribulation that is outlined in the book of Revelation in the Bible.
So this is why I have sent the email to you and many others. Yes I did receive some rebukes. I don’t care for myself as my only concern is what God thinks of me, and not what people think. Most of the replies though were thanks and gratitude.
The enclosed CD and DVD were created by Choo Thomas at Jesus’ request. I hope you will take the time to play them and pray about your own salvation. I thought that I had sent a book years ago, but a copy is enclosed just in case. If you are ready for Christ’s return, I am so happy for you. If not, you should not wait another minute to pledge your life to Him. Information on this is in the enclosed book.
Just as an aside, a Jewish friend whom I have known for many years also rebuked me. He said that he thinks I have gone off the deep end with all the stress I have placed on faith and the Lord. I have been sparring with Him for all these years although we are friends in other respects. I guess I am glad to go off the deep end as that is where our precious Lord is.
I pray that you will take this message with the same spirit in which it was written. I have no concern about our own salvation but am deeply concerned about those who don’t know Christ and have Him as a central part of their lives. I hope that this letter was unnecessary and that you already are in His loving hands, and know it beyond any doubt.