Soon after I arise each morning, I look out the window and see a little bit of the wonderful world that we live in. It is slightly different each day as plants change, a never ending display of nature. Then I thank God for the privilege of being on his creation, the earth, for a little while. I believe that plants and everything change over time, some call it evolution, but I know what started it all, and it wasn't happenstance.
A small thing perhaps, but my life is brightened each time I look at a stranger, give them a twinkle of my eye and the start of a smile, and see them respond with a smile. Not everyone does, some just look away, but I could hardly believe the result when I first tried it. What if we said in our heart, for every person we encounter today: "There's no one exactly like you, and I can see in you something that reminds me of God?" Don't you think it would affect the way we treat people - the way we talk to them and work with them? If we said it out loud, some would take us as religious nuts, but many might be flattered.
We are all equals under God but each person is unique. We are told that each of us was created to be exactly as we are, and God decided before we were born where we should live and what characteristics we would have. We do have a free choice in what we do, but if we listen, we will be guided along a certain path. We can listen to the world or listen to Jesus Christ. Making that choice is ours but there is a world, no, an eternity of difference for us. Our time in our bodies on earth is merely a blink in time, compared with the eternity for our souls, which are the real "us".
Where can you send someone for information on the blessings of Christ? As you well know, the Bible, especially the New Testament, is a great source and it is not dull but interesting reading. Direct them to a church that teaches about Jesus. Talk to them about Christ, or suggest they talk to a friend who is a believer. Until I had an awakening, I thought that a person's belief was a private matter and that we shouldn't discuss them. I no longer believe this, and feel that everyone should hear the good news. I was fortunate to have a friend who brought it to me. Some people will never hear the word about Jesus, unless they hear it from one of us.
I learned that everyone can inadvertently choose to listen to the world and then through some event decide to turn to Jesus. Before this, a person may not even be aware that they are not living in a way to gain eternal life in Heaven. I thought I was living a good life, never intentionally doing anyone harm, and helping others as needed. I was happy living this way. I am still happy, but now also in peace and know where I will go after death. This is not something I earned, but a gift from God from his Grace, and is available to everyone. We have heard the expression "by the grace of God", something good happened. This is so true; it is not our doing but His Grace.
Some people know that they are not living a life to gain eternal salvation. Some believe that it doesn't matter, and even if it does, they cannot change. If a person values their present life and especially their possessions more than God, they won't change. Also many believe that they will not be forgiven for their sins even if they decide to change. This is simply not true; we all can repent and receive the forgiveness of God, anytime.