This year, 2009, a year when I have felt closer to God than ever, yet I felt little of the spirit of Christmas. Most years of my life, this was the time I would go around singing or humming Christmas carols to myself. I did play carols on the organ and sang the words to some, but somehow the wonderful feeling of Yuletide was not there. Was this due to knowing that less joy was being experienced by others in our tumultuous world?
What it could also have been is my limited exposure to the ‘tinsel’ effect in the stores and on the streets. Not much shopping was done as Anita didn’t feel like walking too much. Also the few stores I entered seemed to be subdued. This may have been their attempt to economize in the down economy, or perhaps it was their display of “Happy Holidays” that turned me off. I listened for people to say “Merry Christmas” and for this to be displayed in ads. I wore a pin with the message: “Merry Christmas, the gift from Christ”, and gave a couple away. I attempted to say Merry Christmas to everyone I met, even the many who said “Happy Holidays”. I disliked seeing “Happy Holidays” everywhere, and almost no “Merry Christmas” displays. Many people did say “Merry Christmas” with a smile though.
And there was evidence of merchants and our government continuing to downplay Christ and God everywhere. Perhaps this caused a buildup of resentment in me that killed some the usual joy of the season. It was not that I held a grudge against anyone for this. I realize that non-Christians expressed enough displeasure during the year toward the display of anything Christ-like that merchants felt they were risking customer ire if they did not go along with this. Instead there was an attempt to boycott some of those by Christians. However, it is sad that only a few Christians care enough about their faith to get emotional about anything that happens. This will allow the continual erosion of the values on which this country was built.
But back to the Christmas spirit idea. We know that Christ is the reason for the season. Throughout the year I said many prayers thanking Him for what He did for us in coming to earth, teaching, and leaving a legacy of Christian churches and faith. We must always remember His terrible tortures and finally death on the cross to take the ‘cup’ of the sins of the world. His sacrifice was a wonderful act of love for humanity. The fact that Father God set up this entire drama shows us that God all along planned this as His great gift. So the birth of Jesus as a human on earth is to be celebrated with great joy, but even more is our thankfulness for giving us a path to salvation. For all of this we should have great joy in our hearts all the year. And I do, but perhaps it is because of this that I do not feel as much of the spirit of Christmas as I used to. I just seem to feel that there is so much artificial good will squeezed into this ‘holiday’ time that the reason for the season takes a backstage. People seem to have more interest in things and other people than they do in God. However I still appreciate all the well wishes of friends and we had a joyous Christmas celebration Christmas day at our home. Our entire family was with us and the kids did all the preparation and work to make this an easy and joyous time for us.
Am I alone in this feeling, and am I wrong to feel this way? Perhaps readers will have their own ideas and help me to understand why I didn't feel as much of the spirit of the Christmas season this year.