Jesus an His Bruddas
1 Afta dat, Jesus go aroun inside Galilee. He neva like go aroun inside Judea, cuz da Jewish leada guys ova dea stay looking fo him, fo kill him. 2 Now, almos time fo da spesho religious time, wen da Jewish peopo rememba da time dea ancesta guys wen walk all ova da boonies, an stay inside shacks, long time befo. 3 Den Jesus bruddas tell him, “Go way from hea, an go Judea side, so da peopo you wen teach can see da kine stuff you stay doing. 4 If one guy like everybody know bout him, he no goin do stuff wea nobody can see him, yeah? You stay doing all dis kine stuff, so, let everybody all ova da place see you doing um!” 5 You know, even Jesus bruddas neva trus him.
6 Jesus tell dem, “Az not time fo me fo go yet. You guys can go any time. 7 Da peopo inside da world, dey no goin hate you guys. But dey hate me, cuz I tell um dat da kine stuff dey stay doing, dass bad kine stuff. 8 You guys go Jerusalem fo da spesho religious time. I no going yet, cuz not time fo me fo go.” 9 Afta he wen say dat, den he wen stay Galilee side.
Jesus Go Da Spesho Religious Time
10 But afta Jesus bruddas wen go da spesho religious time, den he wen go too. But nobody know he wen come. 11 Den da Jewish leada guys, dey stay looking fo him at da spesho religious time. Dey wen aks da peopo, “Wea dat bugga stay?”
12 All da peopo stay talking bout him to each odda. Some peopo say, “He one good guy, you know.” Odda peopo say, “Nah! He bulai da peopo.” 13 But nobody talk loud bout him, cuz dey scared da Jewish leada guys.
14 In da middle a da spesho religious time awready Jesus go inside da temple yard an start fo teach. 15 Da Jewish leada guys, wen blow dea minds. Dey say, “How come dis bugga know all dis stuff? He neva study wit da odda teachas, you know.”
16 Jesus tell dem, “Da stuff I teach, no come from me. Come from da One who wen send me. 17 If anybody like do wat God like um fo do, dey goin know if da stuff I teaching come from God, o if ony come from my own head. 18 Da guy dat tell stuff dat come from his own head, he ony like make peopo tink he awesome. But if one guy like peopo fo tink dat da one who wen send him stay awesome, dat guy stay telling da trut. He no notting wrong. 19 Moses wen give you guys Godʼs Rules, but no mo nobody from you guys do wat Godʼs Rules say. So, how come you guys trying fo kill me?”
20 All da peopo say, “Wassa matta you? You get one bad kine spirit in charge a you, o wat? Wat you mean, somebody trying fo kill you?”
21 Jesus tell dem, “I wen do one awesome ting, an dat wen blow all you guys minds. 22 Moses wen give you guys da Rule fo cut skin on day numba eight afta one baby boy wen born, an you guys do um fo one baby boy, no matta da Rest Day. (You know, our ancesta guys wen do dat long time befo Moses. No was Moses dat wen give um da Rule first time.) 23 Now, if you guys can cut skin on one guy on da Rest Day fo no broke Moses Rules, how come you guys come huhu wit me cuz I wen make one sick guy come good on da Rest Day? 24 No ack like one judge wen you guys can see ony da outside stuff. If you guys goin ack like one judge, gotta figga um da right way.”
Dis Godʼs Spesho Guy?
25 Den some peopo from Jerusalem wen say, “Eh! Dis da guy dey stay looking fo, cuz dey like kill him, yeah? 26 But, wow! He stay talking hea in front everybody, an nobody tell him fo shut his mout. Wat you guys tink? You tink da leada guys wen figga dat dis guy, he da Spesho Guy God Goin Send, fo real kine, o wat? 27 But us guys, we know wea dis guy wen come from. Wen God send his Spesho Guy Christ, nobody goin know wea he wen come from.”
28 Jesus stay teaching inside da temple yard. Wen he hear dem guys say dat, he talk real strong an say, “You guys tink you know me, an wea I wen come from? I neva come hea by myself, fo do wat I like. Da One who wen send me, he fo real. But you guys donno him. 29 But I know him, cuz I wen come from him, an he wen send me hea.”
30 Den dey wen try fo take him, but nobody wen grab him, cuz not time yet. 31 But plenny peopo dat stay dea wen trus him. Dey say, “Wen Christ, Godʼs Spesho Guy come, you tink he goin do mo awesome stuff fo show who him den dis guy? Nah!”
Dey Send Da Police Fo Bus Jesus
32 Da Pharisee guys wen hear all da peopo saying dat stuff bout Jesus. So dem guys an da main priest guys wen send da police guys from da temple fo bus him.
33 Den Jesus say, “I ony goin stay wit you guys litto bit mo time, an den I goin go back to da One who wen send me hea. 34 You guys goin look fo me, but you no goin find me, cuz wea I going, you guys no can go ova dea.”
35 Den da Jewish leada guys tell each odda, “Wea dis bugga going, an we no can find him? You tink he going by da Jewish peopo inside da Greek towns far away, fo teach da peopo dat talk da Greek language, o wat? 36 Wat he mean wen he say, ‘You guys goin look fo me, but you no goin find me,’ an ‘Da place I goin stay, you guys no can go dea’?”
Da Water Dat Make da Peopo Live
(Nehemiah 9:15,19-20; Ezekiel 47:1-12)
37 On da last day a da spesho religious time, dass da main day, Jesus wen stand up, an talk real loud. He say, “Whoeva stay thirsty, let um come by me fo drink. 38 Jalike da Bible say, ‘Whoeva trus me, dey come alive inside dem. An dey goin help make da odda peopo come alive too, jalike one river dat get plenny water inside um give da kine water fo help da peopo live.’ ” 39 Jesus say dat bout Godʼs Spirit, cuz bumbye da peopo who trus Jesus goin get Godʼs Spirit. Dat time Jesus wen say dat, dey neva get da Spirit yet, cuz God neva make Jesus come awesome yet.
Da Peopo Split in Half
(Da Rules Second Time 18:18-19)
40 Plenny peopo wen hear him say dat. An dey say, “Fo shua, dis da Spesho Guy dat goin come fo talk fo God!”
41 Da odda guys say, “Dis da Christ guy, da Spesho Guy God Wen Send!”
But da odda guys say, “You tink Godʼs Spesho Guy goin come from Galilee? Nah! 42 Da Bible say dat da Christ guy goin come from King David ancesta guys, an goin come from Betlehem, wea King David wen live, yeah?” 43 So da peopo wen split in half cuz a Jesus. 44 Some guys wen like grab him an bus him, but nobody wen touch him.
Da Jewish Leada Guys No Trus Jesus
45 Da police guys wen go back by da main priest guys an da Pharisee guys. An da priest guys wen aks da police guys, “Eh! How come you guys neva bring him hea?” 46 Dey say, “Wow! Nobody eva talk like dat guy Jesus!”
47 Da Pharisee guys say, “Wat! He wen bulai you guys too? 48 You know, no mo leada guys o Pharisee guys dat trus him. 49 But dis peopo, dey donno Godʼs Rules, an God goin punish dem!”
50 Nicodemus, he one a da Pharisee guys. He da guy wen come fo talk to Jesus one nite befo time. He say, 51 “Our Rules say, we gotta listen to da guy first, an find out wat he wen do. Den we can figga if he wen do good o bad.”
52 Dey tell him, “Wot! You no come from Galilee jalike him! Go check out da Bible. You goin find out dat nobody dat eva talk fo God come from Galilee!”
53 [Den everybody wen go home dea own place.