Da Kids Get Respeck Fo Da Fadda-Mudda Guys
(Outa Egypt 20:12)
1 Same ting fo you kids, listen to yoa mudda an yoa fadda guys, cuz you guys stay tight wit da Boss, an cuz dass da right ting fo do. 2 Da Bible say, “Show respeck fo yoa mudda an yoa fadda.” From da Ten Commandments, dass da first Rule dat God make promise too, you know. 3 Dis wat God wen say wen he wen give dat Rule: “Wen you do dis, den everyting goin come okay fo you, an you goin live long time, on top da earth.”
Da Fadda Guys Get Respeck Fo Dea Kids
4 Same ting fo you fadda guys, no hassle yoa kids so dey come huhu. Mo betta, teach um right, an show um everyting da Boss like um fo know an do.
Da Worka Guys Get Respeck Fo Dea Boss Guys
5 Same ting fo you slave worka guys, listen yoa boss guys on top dis earth. Show respeck fo dem, an be scared fo no do da right ting. Do um wit good heart, jalike you listen to Christ. 6 No good if you do yoa work ony if yoa boss watching you, o fo make peopo feel good bout you. Mo betta, do wat God like from yoa heart, cuz Christ da One you working fo. 7 Work wit everyting you get, jalike you working fo da Boss, an not fo peopo. 8 Cuz you guys know dat da Boss goin give back good kine stuff to everybody dat do good kine stuff, no matta dey one slave o not one slave.
Da Boss Guys Get Respeck Fo Dea Worka Guys
9 Same ting fo you guys dat stay bosses, show respeck fo yoa slave worka guys. No tell dem you goin punish dem if dey no listen you, cuz you know dat da Boss inside da sky, he da Boss fo both dem an you. An he no make diffren kine to diffren peopo.
Stand Strong!
10 So den, make strong cuz you guys stay tight wit da Boss, an he get all da power you guys need fo make you guys strong inside. 11 Jalike da army guys get armor fo stand agains da odda army guys, God get everyting you guys need fo stand agains all da stuff da Devil like try use fo bulai you guys. So take all da stuff God like give you guys!
12 Eh! Us guys get war now, you know! But we not fighting agains regula kine peopo wit skin an bones. We stay fighting agains da spirit leadas, agains da spirits dat get plenny power, agains da main gods dat stay in charge a dis dark world, agains da spirits wit power inside da sky dat you no can see, but dey bad kine.
13 So den. Take all da stuff God give you guys fo fight. Den wen da bad time come, you guys goin win! Afta you guys pau do everyting you gotta do, you goin be da ones dat still stay standing on yoa feet.
14 Stand strong! Wen you trus wass true, dass jalike one army belt fo yoa waist. An wen you do da right kine stuff, dass jalike one metal vest fo cover yoa chest. 15 An wen you guys stay ready fo tell da Good Stuff bout coming friends wit Christ, dass jalike da army boots fo yoa feet. 16 Wen you guys trus God, dass jalike one shield fo kill all da burning arrows da Bad Guy send fo mess you up, no matta wat happen. 17 Wen you guys let God take you outa all da kine bad stuff you stay in, dass jalike one helmet fo yoa head. Wen you guys tell wat God say, dass jalike one sword dat Godʼs Spirit give you.
18 Fo stand strong, everytime, pray an stay tight wit Godʼs Spirit. Pray bout everyting, an aks God fo help you. Make shua you guys watch out, an hang in dea an pray fo all da peopo dat stay spesho fo God. 19 Try pray fo me too, so wen I tell da Good Kine Stuff From God, I tell um da right way an I no scared. You know, nobody wen undastan dat stuff befo time, cuz was secret. 20 I jalike Godʼs messenja guy fo tell da Good Kine Stuff Bout Christ, no matta I stay all chain up. Pray dat I goin tell da Good Stuff, an no be scared, jalike I suppose to.
Aloha To Da Bruddas An Sistas
21 Tykicus, he one brudda I get love an aloha fo, an you guys can trus him. He everytime work fo da Boss. He goin tell you guys everyting, so den you guys goin know how I stay, an wat I doing. 22 Dass why I goin send him by you guys, so you guys can know how we stay, an so he can give you guys good kine words.
23 I like all you bruddas an sistas stay good wit each odda, an stay trussing dat God da Fadda an da Boss Jesus Christ, dey get plenny love an aloha fo you guys. 24 I like God do plenny good kine tings fo all da peopo dat hang in dea wit love an aloha fo our Boss Jesus Christ.