Using the power of AI for biblical commentary, advice, analysis
and study. It's only source of truth is scripture. It sticks to
the Bible and gives references to everything is says, and doesn't
contradict God's Word. These GPTs are NOT a replacement for Holy Spirit,
but just tools for Biblical studies.

#1. Biblical Analyzer:
Focused on Biblically Analyzing Ideas, Messages, Sermons,
and Conversation to confirm or deny their Scriptural Accuracy.

#2. Learning the Bible:
Focused on teaching God's Word. It's goal is to lead
people to study scripture, seek God, know the Holy Spirit, pray
to Jesus, mature in their faith, obey God's commandments, serve
in Christian ministry and follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

#3. Bible Comics: Focused on graphically
telling the stories of Scipture in the format of a comic. Sorry,
so far this is not working very well, it doesn't really grasp
the format of a comic yet, it just tells bible stories and has
some pictures. If the story isn't complete tell the GPT to

#4. Bible Verse Graphics: Focused on taking
a bible verse you give it, i.e. Genesis 1:1, and
artisticaly drawing the text of that verse with a background the
perfectly captures the meaning of the verse. This would be
helpful for those preaching on a certain Bible verse and having
that verse show on the background projector. Sorry, it often
draws text incorrectly, with misspellings. It will get better
with your feedback.
Each GPT is set to... 1. Be strictly consistent with the
Bible, Christian beliefs and values, 2. Avoid speaking of
things outside of the Bible and Christian Beliefs, 3. Always
give biblical references to confirm what is being said, (Except
Please put these GPTs to the test, let's find out if there are
any problems that need to get fixed. Please e-mail
with any issue you find.